Holley,Robert William — Hol·ley (hŏlʹē), Robert William. 1922 1993. American biochemist. He shared a 1968 Nobel Prize for the study of genetic codes. * * * … Universalium
Holley, Robert William — born Jan. 28, 1922, Urbana, Ill., U.S. died Feb. 11, 1993, Los Gatos, Calif. U.S. biochemist. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. Holley and others showed that transfer RNA was involved in the assembly of amino acids into proteins. He… … Universalium
Holley, Robert William — (28 ene. 1922, Urbana, Ill., EE.UU.–11 feb. 1993, Los Gatos, Cal.). Bioquímico estadounidense. Obtuvo su Ph.D. en la Universidad Cornell. Holley y otros demostraron que el ARN de transferencia participaba en el ensamblado de aminoácidos para… … Enciclopedia Universal
Robert William Holley — Robert W. Holley Robert W. Holley (links) Robert William Holley (* 28. Januar 1922 in Urbana, Illinois … Deutsch Wikipedia
Holley — Robert William … Scientists
Robert Holley — Robert W. Holley Robert W. Holley (links) Robert William Holley (* 28. Januar 1922 in Urbana, Illinois … Deutsch Wikipedia
Medizinnobelpreis 1968: Robert William Holley — Har Gobind Khorana — Marshall Warren Nirenberg — Die drei amerikanischen Wissenschaftler erhielten den Nobelpreis für »ihre Interpretation des genetischen Codes und dessen Funktion bei der Proteinsynthese«. Biografien Robert William Holley, * Urbana (Illinois) 28. 1. 1922, ✝ Los Gatos… … Universal-Lexikon
Robert — /rob euhrt/, n. 1. Henry Martyn /mahr tn/, 1837 1923, U.S. engineer and authority on parliamentary procedure: author of Robert s Rules of Order (1876, revised 1915). 2. a male given name: from Germanic words meaning glory and bright. * * * (as… … Universalium
William — /wil yeuhm/, n. 1. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter W. 2. a male given name: from Germanic words meaning will and helmet. * * * (as used in expressions) Huddie William Ledbetter Aberhart William George William… … Universalium
Robert — (as used in expressions) Adam, Robert Aldrich, Robert Altman, Robert (B.) Ashe, Arthur (Robert), Jr. Baden Powell (de Gilwell), Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1 barón Bakewell, Robert Baldwin, Robert Ballard Robert D(uane) Bly, Robert (Elwood) Borden,… … Enciclopedia Universal