Boveri , Theodor Heinrich
- Boveri , Theodor Heinrich
(1862–1915) German zoologist
Boveri was born in Bamberg, Germany, and graduated in medicine from Munich in 1885. He remained at Munich to do cytological research until his appointment as professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at Würzburg in 1893. In 1888, he coined the term ‘centrosome’ for the region of the cell that contains the centriole, first discovered by Edouard van Beneden. Boveri also proved Beneden's theory that equal numbers of chromosomes are contributed by the egg and the sperm to the zygote. Boveri accurately described the formation of the polar bodies following meiosis in the egg cell, and made pioneering studies of sperm formation (spermatogenesis), introducing a diagrammatic representation of the process (1892), which is still in use today.
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Boveri, Theodor Heinrich — born Oct. 12, 1862, Bamberg, Bavaria died Oct. 15, 1915, Würzburg German cell biologist. Working with roundworm eggs, Boveri proved that chromosomes are separate units within the nucleus of a cell. With Walter S. Sutton, he was the first to… … Universalium
Boveri, Theodor Heinrich — (12 oct. 1862, Bamberg, Baviera–15 oct. 1915, Würzburg). Biólogo celular alemán. Trabajando con huevos de lombrices, demostró que los cromosomas son unidades separadas dentro del núcleo de las células. Con Walter S. Sutton fueron los primeros en… … Enciclopedia Universal
Theodor Heinrich Boveri — Theodor Boveri Theodor Boveri Theodor Heinrich Boveri est un biologiste allemand, né le 12 octobre 1862 à Bamberg et mort le 15 octobre 1915. De 1880 à 1882, Eduard Adolf Strasburger (1844 1912) et Boveri décri … Wikipédia en Français
Theodor Boveri — Theodor Boveri. Theodor Heinrich Boveri (12 de octubre de 1862 – 15 de octubre de 1915). Embriólogo alemán. Junto con Wilhelm Roux y Hans Driesch es considerado uno de los grandes fundadores de la embriología experimental. Boveri investigó el… … Wikipedia Español
Theodor Boveri — Theodor Heinrich Boveri (* 12. Oktober 1862 in Bamberg; † 15. Oktober 1915 in Würzburg) war ein deutscher Biologe. 1880 bis 1882 beschrieben Eduard Strasburger und Theodor Boveri die Konstanz der Chromosomenzahl bei unterschiedlichen Arten (dies … Deutsch Wikipedia
Theodor — (as used in expressions) Adorno Theodor Wiesengrund Billroth Christian Albert Theodor Böll Heinrich Theodor Boveri Theodor Heinrich Dreyer Carl Theodor Fechner Gustav Theodor Fontane Theodor Geiger Theodor Julius Geisel Theodor Seuss Herzl… … Universalium
Theodor — (as used in expressions) Adorno, Theodor (Wiesengrund) Billroth, (Christian Albert) Theodor Böll, Heinrich (Theodor) Boveri, Theodor Heinrich Dreyer, Carl Theodor Fechner, Gustav Theodor Fontane, Theodor Geiger, Theodor Julius Geisel, Theodor… … Enciclopedia Universal
Heinrich — /huyn rik/; Ger. /huyn rddikh/, n. a male given name, Germanic form of Henry. * * * (as used in expressions) Johann Heinrich Belter Bernstorff Johann Heinrich count von Böll Heinrich Theodor Boveri Theodor Heinrich Brauchitsch Heinrich Alfred… … Universalium
Heinrich — (as used in expressions) Johann Heinrich Belter Bernstorff, Johann Heinrich, conde von Böll, Heinrich (Theodor) Boveri, Theodor Heinrich Brauchitsch, (Heinrich Alfred) Walther von Brüning, Heinrich Brunner, (Heinrich) Emil Bülow, Bernhard… … Enciclopedia Universal
Theodor Boveri — Naissance 12 octobre 1862 Bamberg, Bavière (Allemagne) Décès 15 octobre 1915 … Wikipédia en Français