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  • Eijkman —   [ ɛjk ], Christiaan, niederländischer Hygieniker, * Nijkerk 11. 8. 1858, ✝ Utrecht 5. 11. 1930; Schüler von O. Foerster und R. Koch; 1888 96 Direktor des Laboratoriums für Pathologie in Batavia, 1898 1928 Professor in Utrecht. Besonders bekannt …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Eijkman — Eijkman, Christian …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Eijkman — Christiaan Eijkman Christiaan Eijkman (* 11. August 1858 in Nijkerk, Niederlande; † 5. November 1930 in Utrecht, Niederlande) war ein niederländischer Hygieniker. Eijkman wies 1897 nach, dass durch Verfüttern von poliertem Reis bei Hühnern… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Eijkman — n. family name; Christian Eijkman (1858 1930), Dutch physician, Nobel prize winner in 1929 in Physiology or Medicine …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Eijkman — noun Dutch physician who discovered that beriberi is caused by a nutritional deficiency (1858 1930) • Syn: ↑Christiaan Eijkman • Instance Hypernyms: ↑doctor, ↑doc, ↑physician, ↑MD, ↑Dr., ↑medico …   Useful english dictionary

  • Eijkman Instituut — (Lembaga Eijkman) Eijkman Instituut (Erbaut: 1914), Aufnahme aus 1939 Daten Ort …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Eijkman , Christiaan — (1858–1930) Dutch physician Eijkman was born at Nijkerk in the Netherlands and qualified as a physician from the University of Amsterdam in 1883. He served as an army medical officer in the Dutch East Indies from 1883 to 1885, when he was forced… …   Scientists

  • Eijkman, Christiaan — born Aug. 11, 1858, Nijkerk, Neth. died Nov. 5, 1930, Utrecht Dutch physician and pathologist. While seeking a bacterial cause for beriberi, he noticed a resemblance between a nerve disorder in his laboratory chickens and that seen in beriberi.… …   Universalium

  • Eijkman (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=63.1 N or S=S longitude=141.5 E or W=W diameter=54 km depth= Unknown colong=144 eponym=Christiaan EijkmanEijkman is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side of the Moon s southern hemisphere. It lies about… …   Wikipedia

  • Eijkman test — Eijk·man test āk mən , īk n a test for the identification of coliform bacteria from warm blooded animals based on the bacteria s ability to produce gas when grown in glucose media at 46°C (114.8°F) Eijkman Christiaan (1858 1930) Dutch… …   Medical dictionary

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