Wilson , Charles Thomson Rees
- Wilson , Charles Thomson Rees
(1869–1959) British physicist
Charles Wilson was the son of a sheep farmer from Glencorse in Scotland, but his father died when he was four and Charles and his mother moved to Manchester. He was educated there and started to specialize in biology but moved to Cambridge University to study physics. There he started work with J.J. Thomson.
Wilson began experiments to duplicate cloud formation in the laboratory by letting saturated air expand, thus cooling it. He found that clouds seemed to need dust particles to start the formation of water droplets and that x-rays, which charged the dust, greatly speeded up the process. Inspired by this, he showed that charged subatomic particles traveling through supersaturated air also formed water droplets. This was the basis of the cloud chamber, which Wilson perfected in 1911 and for which he received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1927. The cloud chamber became an indispensable aid to research into subatomic particles and, with the addition of a magnetic field, made different particles distinguishable by the curvature of their tracks.
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Wilson,Charles Thomson Rees — Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees. 1869 1959. British physicist. He shared a 1927 Nobel Prize for devising the cloud chamber. * * * … Universalium
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson — (* 14. Februar 1869 im Parish Glencorse, Schottland; † 15. November 1959 in Carlops bei Edinburgh) war ein schottischer Physiker und Nobelpreisträger. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson — C. T. R. Wilson The 1927 Solvay conference. Born Charles Thomson Rees Wilson 14 February 1869 … Wikipedia
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Wilson. C. T. R. Wilson à la conférence Solvay de 1927 Naissance 14 février … Wikipédia en Français
Physiknobelpreis 1927: Arthur Holly Compton — Charles Thomson Rees Wilson — Der Amerikaner wurde ausgezeichnet für die Entdeckung des nach ihm benannten Effekts, der Schotte für seine Methode, die Bahnen elektrisch geladener Teilchen durch Kondensation von Wasserdampf sichtbar zu mac … Universal-Lexikon
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson — noun Scottish physicist who invented the cloud chamber (1869 1959) • Syn: ↑Wilson • Instance Hypernyms: ↑nuclear physicist … Useful english dictionary
Charles T. R. Wilson — Charles Thomson Rees Wilson Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (* 14. Februar 1869 im Parish Glencorse; † 15. November 1959 in Carlops bei Edinburgh) war ein schottischer Physiker und Nobelpreisträger. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Charles Wilson — Charles Wilson. Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (14 de febrero de 1869 – 15 de noviembre de 1959) fue un físico escocés Biografía Nació en la parroquia de Glencorse (Midlothian, cerca de Edimburgo). Hijo de un granjero, John Wilson, y de Ann … Wikipedia Español
WILSON (C. T. R.) — WILSON CHARLES THOMSON REES (1869 1959) Physicien britannique né à Glencorse (Midlothian) et mort à Carlops (Borders). Après des études à Manchester puis à Cambridge, où il fut l’élève de J. J. Thomson, Charles T. R. Wilson entreprend à partir de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Wilson — (Charles Thomson Rees) (1869 1959) physicien écossais. Il mit au point en 1912 la chambre de Wilson, qui permet d identifier les particules élémentaires. P. Nobel 1927 (avec A.H. Compton). Wilson (Robert Woodrow) (né en 1936) astrophysicien… … Encyclopédie Universelle