Whitehead , Alfred North

Whitehead , Alfred North
(1861–1947) British mathematician and philosopher
Whitehead, who was born at Ramsgate on the south coast of England, obtained his PhD from Cambridge University in 1884. For the next few years he taught there and met Bertrand Russell, who was one of his students and with whom he was later to collaborate. Whitehead was one of a growing section of philosophers of science who criticized the deterministic and materialistic views prevalent in 19th-century science. The main theme of this critique was that scientific theories were patterns derived from our way of measuring and perceiving the world and not innate properties of the underlying reality. While in Cambridge his mathematical work reflected this viewpoint, developed in his book Treatise of Universal Algebra (1898), which treated algebraic structures as objects worthy of study in their own right, independent of their relationship to real quantities. In 1910 he published, with Russell, the first volume of the vast Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles) which was an attempt, inspired by the work of Gottlob Frege and Guiseppe Peano, to clarify the conceptual foundations of mathematics using the formal methods of symbolic logic.
Whitehead then moved to London, where he taught at University College and later became professor at Imperial College. Here he developed his action-at-a-distance theory of relativity, which challenged Einstein's field-theoretic viewpoint but never gained wide acceptance. In 1924 he emigrated to America and worked at Harvard, developing his antimechanistic philosophy of science and a system of metaphysics, until he retired in 1937.

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  • Whitehead, Alfred North — born Feb. 15, 1861, Ramsgate, Isle of Thanet, Kent, Eng. died Dec. 30, 1947, Cambridge, Mass., U.S. British mathematician and philosopher. He taught principally at the University of Cambridge (1885–1911) and Harvard University (1924–37). His… …   Universalium

  • Whitehead, Alfred North — (1861 1947)    by Roland Faber   Alfred North Whitehead is one of the more hidden but influential sources of Deleuze s thought. Unlike philosophers on whom Deleuze wrote books, Whitehead appears only in scattered remarks but, nevertheless, in a… …   The Deleuze dictionary

  • Whitehead, Alfred North — (1861 1947)    by Roland Faber   Alfred North Whitehead is one of the more hidden but influential sources of Deleuze s thought. Unlike philosophers on whom Deleuze wrote books, Whitehead appears only in scattered remarks but, nevertheless, in a… …   The Deleuze dictionary

  • Whitehead, Alfred North — (1861–1947)    Philosopher.    Whitehead taught philosophy and mathmatics at the Universities of Cambridge and London, and in 1924 he was appointed to a Chair at Harvard. He is remembered for his attempt at integrating science and religion by… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Whitehead,Alfred North — White·head (hwītʹhĕd , wītʹ ), Alfred North. 1861 1947. British mathematician and philosopher. A founder of mathematical logic, he wrote Principia Mathematica (1910 1913) with Bertrand Russell and Process and Reality (1929). * * * …   Universalium

  • Whitehead, Alfred North — (1861 1947)    An English mathematician and philosopher, Whitehead began his career in mathematics and, with Bertrand Russell, published the monumental Principia Mathematica (1910 13), an attempt to reduce all of mathematics to a logical basis.… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Whitehead, Alfred North — (1861–1947) English mathematician and philosopher. Whitehead was Russell s tutor in Cambridge, where he was Fellow of Trinity from 1884 to 1910, when he moved to London, and then to a chair of philosophy at Harvard in 1924. He collaborated with… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Whitehead, Alfred North — ► (1861 1947) Matemático y filósofo británico. Publicó con Bertrand Russell los Principia Mathematica. * * * (15 feb. 1861, Ramsgate, Isle of Thanet, Kent, Inglaterra–30 dic. 1947, Cambridge, Mass., EE.UU.). Matemático y filósofo británico.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • WHITEHEAD, Alfred North — (1861 1947)    English philosopher, mathematician, co author of Principa Mathematics (1910 1913) with Bertrand RUSSELL, and exponent of the theory of RELATIVITY. He developed his own METAPHYSICS in Process and Reality (1929) which led to his… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Alfred North Whitehead — OM (* 15. Februar 1861 in Ramsgate; † 30. Dezember 1947 in Cambridge (Massachusetts)) war ein britischer Philosoph und Mathematiker. Bekannt wurde Alfred Whitehead durch das Standardwerk „Principia Mathematica“ über Logik, das er zusammen mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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