Taylor , Brook

Taylor , Brook
(1685–1731) British mathematician
Born in Edmonton, near London, Taylor studied at Cambridge University, and was secretary to the Royal Society during the period 1714–18. He made important contributions to the development of the differential calculus in his Methodus incrementorum directa et inversa (1715; Direct and Indirect Methods of Incrementation). This contained the formula known asTaylor's theorem, which was recognized by Joseph Lagrange in 1772 as being the principle of differential calculus. TheMethodus also contributed to the calculus of finite differences, which Taylor applied to the mathematical theory of vibrating strings.
Outside mathematics Taylor was an accomplished artist and this led him to an interest in the theory of perspective, publishing his work on this subject in Linear Perspective (1715). Taylor expansions are named for him.

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  • Taylor, Brook — ▪ British mathematician born August 18, 1685, Edmonton, Middlesex, England died December 29, 1731, London  British mathematician, a proponent of Newtonian mechanics and noted for his contributions to the development of calculus.       Taylor was… …   Universalium

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  • Brook Taylor — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brook Taylor Brook Taylor (Edmonton, 18 de agosto de 1685 Somerset House, Londres, 29 de diciembre de 1731) fue un matemático británico. Hijo de John Taylor, d …   Wikipedia Español

  • Brook Taylor — (* 18. August 1685 in Edmonton, Middlesex; † 29. Dezember 1731 in Somerset House, London) war britischer Mathematiker. Nach ihm wurde u.a. die Taylorreihe benannt. Leben und Wirken Taylor stud …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • TAYLOR (B.) — TAYLOR BROOK (1685 1731) Mathématicien anglais, né à Edmonton et mort à Londres, célèbre pour ses contributions au développement du calcul infinitésimal. Taylor fit ses études au collège Saint John, à Cambridge, et étudia les mathématiques sous… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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