Reichstein , Tadeus

Reichstein , Tadeus
(1897–1996) Polish–Swiss biochemist
Reichstein, the son of an engineer, was born in Wloclawek, Poland, and educated at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, where he obtained his PhD in 1922. After some years in industry, Reichstein returned to work on the staff of the Institute in 1929. In 1938 he moved to the University of Basel, becoming in 1946 head of the Institute of Organic Chemistry, a position he held until his retirement in 1967.
In the 1930s Reichstein began to investigate the chemical role of the adrenal cortex. These are small glands, found on the kidneys, whose removal is invariably fatal. Beginning with a ton of beef adrenals he managed to reduce it to a mere ten grams of biologically active material.
From such samples he had, by 1946, isolated 29 different steroids, six of which he found would prolong the life of an animal with its adrenal gland removed. Of these, aldosterone, corticosterone, and hydrocortisone later proved the most active. Reichstein managed a partial synthesis of desoxycorticosterone, which for many years was the only corticoid that lent itself to large-scale production. At that time it was also the most effective treatment for Addison's disease.
Similar work was being done in America by Edward Kendallwho shared with Reichstein the 1950 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine together with Philip Hench.
In 1933 Reichstein succeeded in synthesizing ascorbic acid, vitamin C, at about the same time as Norman Haworth in England. He found a better technique for making the vitamin later that year, and this method is still used in commercial production.

Scientists. . 2011.

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  • REICHSTEIN, TADEUS — (1897–1996), Swiss organic chemist, endocrinologist, and 1950 Nobel laureate. Reichstein was born in Wloclawek, Poland, and his family moved to Zurich in 1908. He became professor of organic chemistry at Zurich in 1934 and in 1938 joined Basle… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Reichstein, Tadeus — ▪ 1997       Polish born Swiss chemist (b. July 20, 1897, Wloclawek, Pol. d. Aug. 1, 1996, Basel, Switz.), identified the steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex and studied their structure and biological effects. For his role in this discovery,… …   Universalium

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  • Reichstein, Tadeus — (b. 1897)    Swiss organic chemist and Nobel laureate, 1950. Reichstein was born in Poland and brought up in Switzerland. In 1933 he and his colleagues synthesized ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and in the same year he began his major work, isolating …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Reichstein, Tadeus — (b. 1897)    Swiss chemist. Born in Poland, he grew up in Switzerland. In 1938 he became head of the Institute of Pharmacy at Basle University. In 1950 he shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Reichstein, Tadeus — ► (n. 1897) Químico suizo. Fue premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1950, compartido con E. C. Ken dall y P. S. Hench, por aislar hormonas cristalizadas, entre ellas la cortisona …   Enciclopedia Universal

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