Beadle , George Wells

Beadle , George Wells
(1903–1989) American geneticist
Beadle was born in Wahoo, Nebraska, and graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1926; he gained his PhD from Cornell University in 1931. He then spent two years doing research in genetics under T.H. Morgan at the California Institute of Technology. Beadle was a professor at the California Institute of Technology from 1946 until 1961 and was president of the University of Chicago from 1961 until 1968. In 1937 Beadle went to Stanford University, where in 1940 he began working with Edward Tatum on the mold Neurospora. They used nutritional mutants, which were unable to synthesize certain essential dietary compounds, to determine the sequence of various metabolic pathways. Substances similar to the missing compound were added to the mutant mold cultures to find whether or not they could substitute for the lacking chemical. If the culture survived then it could be assumed that the mold could convert the substance into the chemical it needed, showing that the nutrient was likely to be a precursor of the missing chemical.
From this and similar work Beadle and Tatum concluded that the function of a gene was to control the production of a particular enzyme and that a mutation in any one gene would cause the formation of an abnormal enzyme that would be unable to catalyze a certain step in a chain of reactions. This reasoning led to the formulation of the one gene–one enzyme hypothesis, for which Beadle and Tatum received the 1958 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine, sharing the prize with Joshua Lederberg, who had worked with Tatum on bacterial genetics.

Scientists. . 2011.

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  • Beadle, George Wells — born Oct. 22, 1903, Wahoo, Neb., U.S. died June 9, 1989, Pomona, Calif. U.S. geneticist. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University. While studying Drosophila, he realized that genes must influence heredity chemically and designed a complex… …   Universalium

  • Beadle, George Wells — ► (1903 89) Bioquímico estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1958, compartido con E. L. Tatum y J. Lederberg, por sus estudios sobre genética bacteriana. * * * (22 oct. 1903, Wahoo, Neb., EE.UU.–9 jun. 1989, Pomona, Cal.).… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • George Wells Beadle — Infobox Scientist name = George Wells Beadle image width = caption = birth date = October 22, 1903 birth place = Wahoo, Nebraska, USA death date = death date and age|1989|06|09|1903|10|22 death place = Chicago, Illinois, USA field = Genetics alma …   Wikipedia

  • George Wells Beadle — Archivo:George W. Beadle.jpg George Wells Beadle George Wells Beadle (1903 1989) nace en 1903 en Nebraska, Estados Unidos. Estudió Ciencias en la Universidad de Nebraska, obtiene el doctorado en la Universidad Cornell, Nueva York, en 1931,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • George Wells Beadle — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Beadle. George Wells Beadle, né le 22 octobre 1903 à Wahoo dans le Nebraska aux États Unis, mort le 9 juin 1989 (à 85 ans), était un scientifique américain, spécialiste en génétique. Né de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • George Wells Beadle — (* 22. Oktober 1903 in Wahoo, Nebraska; † 9. Juni 1989 in Pomona, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Biologe, der sich vorrangig mit Genetik beschäftigte. Er erhielt 1950 den Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research und 1958 gemeinsam… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • George Wells Beadle — nace en 1903 en Nebraska, Estados Unidos. Estudió Ciencias en la Universidad de Nebraska, obtiene el doctorado en la Universidad de Cornell, Nueva York, en 1931, inmediatamente después comienza a trabajar en el Instituto de Tecnología de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • George Wells Beadle — noun United States biologist who discovered how hereditary characteristics are transmitted by genes (1903 1989) • Syn: ↑Beadle, ↑George Beadle • Instance Hypernyms: ↑biologist, ↑life scientist …   Useful english dictionary

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